The Unfinished Swan

Game Title: The Unfinished Swan
Released: September 10, 2020
Game Length: 3 Hours
Grade: A-

Expectations: Let me clear something up real quick. This is not a new game. Giant Sparrow came out with this game back in October 16, 2012 on the Playstation Network. Why they decided to wait 8 years to release it for the PC is beyond me. I'll do my best to skip over the fact that I hated What Remains of Edith Finch, the game they created after it, and focus on what this game brings to the table. With the black paint splotches, it kind of reminds me of that weird Perception game where everything you see comes from sound waves... only less scary.

Reality: That was one fascinating little game. Did you ever wonder what it would be like to venture through one of those picture books they read at the library to all the little kids? Curious George would be a good example to imagine. Although short, The Unfinished Swan reads out each page contained in one of these types of books as you explore the worlds unknown. There are four chapters filled with the epitome of adventure. You will explore houses, kingdoms, forests, and a mysterious tale through the use of your paintbrush. The entire game isn't all about revealing your environment with big splashes of ink. There will be chapters where you must climb up vines that extend wherever there is water, build blocks through 3-Dimensional space, and race up areas before "doom" catches up with you. Your trigger finger might get tired after awhile firing all that paint, but there are several "toys" you can unlock by finding a series of balloons scattered throughout the levels. I do wish you could move the telescopes around a little more. At least we got a Journey reference. Now that I think about it, their other game also had a reference to this game.

Opinion: For $12, there are worse games you could get that only last 3 hours. I was pleasantly surprised at how much content The Unfinished Swan actually had to offer. The story is charming and the mechanics were tight. And there were a lot more scary parts that had me running like Spongebob during the Night Shift than I anticipated. The ending was a little vague, but it gave enough closure to satisfy my curiosity. I'd give this game a shot if you are looking for something different.

