The House of Da Vinci 2
Game Title: The House of Da Vinci 2
Released: May 29, 2020
Game Length: 7 Hours
Grade: A
Expectations: With the first one completed, I predict its sequel to be more of the same. There will be probably a list of puzzles with a minor few I might have to look up for a solution. I really hope there is a continuation to the "falling through the portal" cliffhanger at the end of The House of Da Vinci.
Reality: What can I say to a game full of puzzles? You encounter objects with locks and keys tucked away inside their machinery that only a few mouse clicks will be able to solve. You use more of that X-Ray oculus device to see what is going on behind-the-scenes and use time-rifts to manipulate the past or steal items for the future for about a quarter of the puzzles. Much of the game comes with finding small clues on tombstones or walls with scratches or indentations that contribute to one major puzzle with many swinging symbols. Oddly enough, there are also a few riddles that require some annoying blunt-force trial-and-error. I might have not needed to recall Leonardo's Fibonacci Sequence this time around, but I would still have issues trying to figure out how a bunch of numbers combine as one around a series of six poles.
Story: The cool part about the sequel is the inclusion of moving characters and voiced dialogue among the six chapters. The journal not only includes your thoughts of current events, but fully-drawn diagrams and sketches that help you along your way. However, the order of how those events are told can get quite confusing. I believe the first two chapters tell of your adventure before the first game, while the last four chapters come afterwards. Then there is that weird time travel loophole that makes you wonder who Leonardo is exactly. Then the story goes on a tangent at the end when you read the account of some crusade to find The Temple of Wisdom. I think I came out more confused than satisfied. In any case, the game more than made up with it with the fine attention to detail. Another game to add for anyone who is a puzzle-lover.