Stargate: SG-1 Themes

Another thing I was looking out for in the series was key moments that changed the rest of the series. What I mean by that is... what thing.... how should I put this? What essentially changed the dynamic of the series? Well, quite a bit actually.

Apothas: S1E1 Introduction S2E18 Dies S3E13 Discovered Alive S5E1 Assumed Dead
Replicators: S3E13 Introduction S5E19 Android Mother S5E22 Asgard Attacked S6E12 Humanoid Evolution S8E1 Fifth Escaped S8E2 ARP Gun Created, Carter Formed S8E11 Fifth Dies; Carter Leads S8E17 Replicators Killed
Anubis: S5E9 Sends Envoy Tenith S515 Sends Osiris S517 Sends Asteroid S5E22 Attacks Thor S7E1 Attacks Jonas S8E18 Eternally Preoccupied
Baal S5E15 Introduction S6E6 Baal Tortures Jack S9E7 Copies Himself Continuum Dies
Osiris S4E13 Introduction S515 Shows up at Summit S7E15 Goa'uld Removed

Rya'C (Teal'C Son) S1E11 Stopped from being a host S2E8 Lives with new Father; Brainwashed S6E1 Mother Dies S7E4 Saved from Death Camp S8E9 Marries
Sha're (Daniel's Wife) S1E1 Lost to Goa'uld S3E10 Killed by Teal'C

Jacob (Sam's Father) S2E12 Saved by Tokra S8E18 Dies (Yes, during the "final" episode)
Martouf S2E12 Introduction S4E5 Dies
Janet Fraiser S1E1 Introduction S7E18 Dies
McKay S5E14 Introduction
Vala S8E12 Introduction

Daniel Ascension S5E21 Death S7E1 Human Again
Tretonin S6E10 Introduction S6E19 Applied to Jaffa
Prometheus S6E11 Takes Flight S6E17 Asgard Shields S915 Destroyed (Yes, it survived this long and died in a stupid conflict)
Earth Protection S3E3 Treaty S6E11 Prometheus S7E22 Ancient Outpost
Second Gate S1E17 Found S2E14 Area 51 S3E22 Beamed on Thor's Ship S4E7 Russians recover gate S6E2 Used after Anubis Destroys Gate

