Star Trek Deep Space Nine

You may recall me saying something about it taking a couple of seasons before Star Trek really gets their stride. I decided to see if that was true with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. My conclusion still holds the same. Then I wondered, are the last two seasons always as dull? That was something I had to check out for myself. Let's review the seasons one at a time. The episodes will still follow the same guidelines as Star Trek: Voyager GIF! It has to be good, interesting, and fun. I never found any of Bajor's religious aspects to be interesting or the gloomy consequences of war to be any fun. Most of those will be excluded.

Seasons 1-2 (Bajor/Cardassia Conflict)
You learn about the religious background of the "prophets" and the military fanatics of the "maquis". Despite the large foundation laid explaining all the elements in this new setting, there really isn't anything interesting or specific that stands out until the season finale.

"Necessary Evil" - Odo flashback to Cardassian occupation
"The Jem'Hadar" - Introduction to the Gamma Quadrant Race

Season 3 (Dominion)
There is a wide-range of amusing and very entertaining episodes. The episodes with religious undertones are probably the only ones dull to the bone. Also, Sisko finds someone to date.

"The Search (2-Parter)" - Introduction to the Dominion
"The House of Quark" - Funny episode where Quark marries a Klingon
"Second Skin" - Kira becomes Cardassian
"Civil Defense" - Old Program locks down the station
"Visionary" - O'Brian Time Leaps
"Improbable Cause / The Die is Cast (2-Parter)" - Romulan & Cardassian vs Dominion

Season 4-5 (Klingons)
Worf comes onto the station in Season 4 to help with the Klingon problem. Cardassia government gets in trouble and there still seems to be problems understanding what the Dominion is up to. Fear of changelings ravages the sector. Romulans allow DS9 use of a cloaking device on their new Defiant spaceship. Oh and Sisko loses his hair. Season 5 is riddled with adding more content to what has already been established in the series, especially from the last two episodes of season 4. Worf gets closer to Dax, Odo can't shapeshift and then allowed again, Kira winds up carrying and giving birth to a child, and Quark gets his Ferengi license back. A large portion also revolves around Bashir and his secret past.

"The Way of the Warrior (2-Parter)" - Klingons invade
"The Visitor" - Jake tells the story of his life chasing his father
"Little Green Men" - Ferengi go back in time.
"Trials and Tribble-ations" - Time Travel to Kirk's Enterprise
"In Purgatory's Shadow / By Inferno's Light (2-Parter)" - The changlings make a move.
"Call to Arms" - Dominion take DS9.

Season 6 (Orion Syndicate and Section 31)
The season starts off with six episodes resolving how the Federation plans to take back DS9 from the Dominion. It then opens up different character perspectives regarding the Orion Syndicate and different morality choices in war. Worf and Dax get married too.

"A Time To Stand" - Sisko commands a Jem'Hadar ship.
"Favor the Bold / Sacrifice of Angels" - Sisko gets DS9 back
"Who Mourns for Morn?" - Running Gags on Quark's favorite customer
"Far Beyond the Stars" - Real World perspective on writing the story of DS9
"One Little Ship" - Runabout and crew shrink down in size, literally

Season 7 (Ezri Age)
Most of the season carries the same theme from the previous season, only we lose Jadzia and gain Ezri. Most of the episodes regard the horrors of war and death with the Vic holosuite as center piece. Details are revealed behind Sisko's place as emissary, the mysterious illness effecting the changelings, and the final conflicts in all fronts of the war. Oh and Kira decides to change her hair.

"Tacking Into the Wind" - Climatic shifts in Cardassia and the Klingon Empire.

