Spelunky 2
Released: September 29, 2020
Game Length: 23 Hours
Grade: D-
Expectations: So it was awhile since Spelunky came out, not to mention all those updates to the original game. Then a lot of speculation flew around for what Spelunky 2 would have different than the original game. I figured there might be a few new enemies, maybe some different settings other than exploring a jungle.
Reality: So you got a few new characters, you are rescuing a dog instead of a damsel in distress, and the the game is harder than the original. Wait, what? So for $20 I'm paying for essentially an over-tuned game that makes an already difficult game harder? To let you know of the current situation of the first stage, let's include every enemy you encountered in the first level of the first game and add some new enemies that you can't kill into the mix. I don't think this patch lessening the spawn rate in the first couple levels is helping me one bit, and I somehow wished they had that online multiplayer feature come out already. I don't care that someone beat the game. To me, this game isn't fun one bit. So I'm giving up on this game within the first hour before I grow an aneurysm.