Rogue Legacy
Rogue Legacy
Positives: You might be
doing essentially the same thing hacking and slashing your way through a
castle but the fun part is that it is a new experience everytime you
pass those gates. Your character will be different. He or (yes even) she
will be one of a dozen classes, have traits with about 100
possibilities, use abilities from a pool of about 20, and can be
equipped with different weapons and runes to improve performance. The
castle changes everytime you enter so the enemies and mini-bosses will
be unique to the experience. The goofy traits might seem detrimental to
your goal at first but may actually help you in completing challenges
and reach areas otherwise impossible.
Negatives: The game is
very dependent on your skill. A person might be able to complete the
game in a matter of 30 minutes with only going through 5 characters.
Another person might go through the castle with 100 characters and still
not be able to defeat the final boss. The game makes it possible to
upgrade your character to 500 with 75 ranks to health alone (+750 on
maybe 100 initial pool). To help build your character to the point of
actually beating the game, it will take a lot of runs. I think I was able to level up my guy 5 times with a full castle run up to the final boss. This gets boring.
I had a great time experiencing each and every trait. I liked seeing
new rooms and new abilities pop-up within my grasp. I liked trying
different combinations and had fun completing the boss rooms and chest
challenges. But after awhile the challenge became too hard and the grind
to get better became too tedious. I just didn't have enough motivation
to complete the game.