
There was a game that was released only through the Epic Store. Currently the game is marked at $17.99 (24% off) and would have flown under the radar if it wasn't for Zero Punctuation reviewing it. This game is Observation and it definitely was... something else.

The Good: There is something amazing in exploring a real life space station. Not only that but exploring it through the lens, literally, of an on-board AI computer. At first I thought we were going to go through day-to-day experiments like some sort of Hal 9000 conversing with Dave in 2001: Space Odyssey. But like the movie, things started to get weird. If you ever watched the movie Arrival then you will have to think outside the normal way humans perceive things. Most of what you do in the game will include a list of logical puzzles and commands within the computer interface. You might be the central computer but even you have limits of how much of the space station you can control. The tension builds as you figure out how to handle the station's problems and the mysterious presence that looms overhead. All of this built inside a 3D interface that you can watch live within your computer sensors.

The Bad: It is just too bad that the game has way too many problems. You might be able to see and explore the entire space station but certain elements only become "available" when you reach that point in the story. In fact everything in the game, from an electrical fire to people afraid for their lives, literally wait for you to do whatever it is you need to do to progress the plot. At one point in the game, I actually had to look up a guide to figure out something that only an astronaut with an engineering degree would know. The flashing lights (and sometimes no light at all) made the game unbearable to play at times. Then there was that weird ending that really left you wanting to know more about what just happened.

Review: The entire concept of being an AI on a space station is too fun to miss out on. Understanding the story is both confusing and enjoyable at the same time. You are guaranteed to get lost, disoriented, and blinded by how everything comes together. 6 Hours might not have been enough time to justify the cost or linear gameplay. Some might even have the nerve to state that this was another Walking Simulator. I left with a pain in my stomach and a migraine in the head, but I think it was worth it.

