Game Title: Minit
Released: April 3, 2018
Game Length: 2 Hours
Grade: A-
Expectations: I know what you are thinking. How can a black & white game based on playing one minute at a time with the file size of 200MB be any good? Well it was either that or I try out Half Minute Hero again. I don't know how the whole "Groundhog Day" approach will work for this game, but I'm hoping they don't let you build-up more seconds through upgrades or something.
Reality: There was a lot more to this game than I originally expected. 156 runs in 2 hours just to complete the game. So I'm not the most delicate of a player. I wasn't worried about that 25 runs or less achievement. You literally have 60 seconds to perform whatever action in the world that you can before you automatically die. Of course, you could always manually kill yourself with a press of a button before the timer runs out. You have to know that it is just you who resets and not the world. So any items or hearts you collect will continue to your next run. Performing certain actions will persist through your untimely demise. There are a few "houses" that you can choose to start spawning at simply by walking into the room. There are loads of little secret passageways and mysterious achievements you can run into. The biggest hurdle I encountered was getting every guest back to the hotel so I could finally be able to swim in the water. Otherwise the game was cute enough for me to fully recommend only if you already own it. Its $10 asking price is a bit too high if you ask me.