Megaman 7-8

Megaman 7

Notable Differences: (1) SNES graphics (2) Beat is neither an attack pet or support but simply helps you if you fall into pits (3) Cutscenes (4) Robot Masters react to their weaknesses and strengths (5) SNES bumper to easily switch between weapons without going into the menu (6) Hidden Trap Areas (7) Smaller screen (8) Shop (9) Introduction to new characters: Bass & Treble, Auto, Reggae (10) Rush Search (11) Introduction Stage

Difficult Robot Masters: There are two bosses relatively harder than the rest. Junk Shield (from Junk Man) takes out Freeze Man.Wild Coil (from Spring Man) takes out Shade Man.

Useful Weapons: : Burst Man "Danger Wrap" lays down mines, collects enemies in bubbles, and launches mines in bubbles that you can push; Freeze Man "Freeze Cracker" freezes certain enemies and helps in navigating certain areas; Junk Man "Junk Shield" brings damage and protection; Turbo Man "Scorch Wheel" melts ice and burns wood to reveal certain areas; Slash Man "Slash Claw" is unique where it acts as a melee weapon and useful against certain bosses.

Review: The Robot Masters and Fortress Bosses are all pretty demanding. Their timings are slightly longer than you expect and they surprise you with the number of different attacks they have. Everyone takes a good run through to get used to their schedule, very much like Megaman 6. The difficulty continues to range from the limited amount of the visual screen to the slim room to evade enemy attacks. The game tries to balance the expectation of being hit with the ability to buy canisters from the shop. Buying an "Exit" item seems frivolous when it should probably be included. Rush Search is useless except to find items instead of building them. The music gets irritating in certain areas and retracing the levels in search of items can be a pain. Very much like the first Mega Man, I ran into a huge problem on the first fortress level and abandoned all hope. Bass was a hard boss to fight. Trying to beat him and the following boss made me want to throw the controller across the room. I can't imagine what the other bosses are like.

Megaman and Bass
Notable Differences: (1) Can play the game as Megaman or Bass (2) Collect CDs as character cards (3) Item store is visible on the main page (4) Robot Masters are divided up into chained areas instead of Stage Select (5) Elaborate Mini-Bosses in each stage (6) Weapons help alleviate certain attacks from Robot Masters instead of dealing massive damage (7) No Refill Tanks (8) Switching between Active Abilities

Difficult Robot Masters: Ice Wall (from Cold Man) helps push Burner Man back. Tengu Blade (from Tengu Man) helps a little bit versus the impossible Magic Man. Magic Card (from Magic Man) helps against Astro Man. The two insanely difficult ones are Magic Man and Dynamo Man, both have the ability to heal. If you are unable to defeat Magic Man, I say give up. The boss weaknesses will only counter them momentarily. There isn't a true weapon to instantly kill them.

Useful Weapons: : Magic Man "Magic Card" helps grab items from afar, Burner Man "Wave Burner" lights fuses

Review: Buckle up. As mentioned in the first post, the game is only worthwhile on the SNES which only came in Japan with a translation patch. Do not play the Game Boy Advance version. The controls are not responsive and the dash ability is reduced to double tapping instead of a direct button. The whole game is fun with awesome level design and the option to play as either of the two characters. All the bosses have an arsenal of attack sequences. I was determined to continue, but the King drove me into a rage quit. Bass may not be able to charge his weapon or slide under things, but he can fire seven directions and double jump. Items reappear after death. You can potentially gain 1-ups and attempt bosses indefinitely in some spots. The battles last longer. There are no refill tanks. Enhancements only push the bar further as you progress through the game. Music is bad in a couple spots, especially the main menu. Although you can switch and save between Wily stages, each stage has multiple bosses.