The game is just shy of 4 hours. It is short and divided up into different portions. The world is filled with a ton of nonsensical sci-fi elements that defy what we would call our modern reality. The first act was thrilling when most of your gameplay relies on hide-and-seek with opposing forces. There is a ton of tense moments as you run for your life through the woods. The second act slows down quite a bit as you discover tons of science facilities running all kinds of weird experiments. You have to time your jumps just right as you facilitate your skills across multiple platforms. And by the third act this game goes from weird to insane. All I'm going to say is the final act is filled with the running monstrosity nicknamed "The Huddle". You plow through the area as you try and make your escape.
After playing the game, I can't say I learned anything. The puzzles weren't as difficult as I hoped and the platforming got a little ridiculous at times. You could say this was "an art game" since there was no music and very little sound. Though it all contributed to the dark atmosphere that was told through the environment. If it wasn't for some of the unusual puzzles, I could almost say that the whole thing was believable. But honestly I couldn't say it was worth playing in the long run.