Hyper DBZ Champ

Hyper DBZ Champion Edition is a fan-made game using MUGEN. I wasn't expecting a game like this to come out. I expected something like this: Card Sagas Wars to come out 10 years ago. I know of the SNES game Dragonball Z: Hyper Dimension that I played for some time with my nephew. I know of the My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic Tribute Edition fan game that came out about 3 years ago. So I figured, "Sure. Why not?"

I'm not going to say Hyper DBZ Champ was bad. I'm going to say it met all of my expectations of a fighting game. It's always rough learning move sets. I'm terrible when it comes to reflexes in a fast pace game like this. The good news is you can lower the difficulty and game speed to your liking. It is nice to have 9 characters to choose from and special attacks that don't require a lot of effort to pull off. It removes the awkward flight sequences from the SNES version and adds a huge variety of cinematic sequences. Whether or not it is a good thing the super special attacks aren't easy to perform (or as long) as of the Injustice game is up to you.

My heart wasn't into the game and I played a total of 2 hours. Again, it was nice but I got my butt kicked.

