Exit the Gungeon
Released: March 17, 2020
Game Length: 4 Hours
Grade: C
Expectations: The original game Enter the Gungeon was released back in 2016. They worked on that game up until May 16, 2019. Not much longer and suddenly the sequel Exit the Gungeon pops up in September 17, 2019 on... the phone? Don't tell me the sequel is a port from the mobile market! This isn't going to end well. People told me to wait until Hello to Arms came out on November 13, 2020 for some much needed adjustments. Well, let's see what this game does differently than the previous one.
Reality: At first, I thought Exit the Gungeon was a Tower Climber. That would have probably made things a little more interesting with enemies coming out of doorways as you hop from one ledge to the next. Unfortunately, it plays more like a "mobs spawn all around me while I'm trapped in this elevator" type of game. You barely have enough room to maneuver as bullets come flying in every direction. Instead of picking and choosing your weapon, your gun transforms into a new one roughly every minute in combat. Your game can suddenly go south if your gun dice roll throws you something that doesn't cater to your playstyle. The so-called Arsenal Mode was supposed to resolve the issue, but it ended up being a band-aid fix. In addition to visiting the shop more, they allowed people to explore certain "challenge" rooms in a chance to find weapons that have limited amount of ammo. These guns can be utilized along with your "blessed" gun. Unfortunately the number of times you can fire it is way too short.
New Stuff: So I guess it boils down to this: What does the sequel spin-off series have over the predecessor? You can equip skins and wear hats...eventually. You can pick and choose your routes on the condition you complete the route once. That's about it. So after completing my route with the convict (after losing once with the pilot), my 2 Hours
just felt empty without access to these fun tools. The loading screen
of a bullet's face freaks me out and the pause menu being inside a tiny
pixelated game screen is a mess. I just don't see how this game fairs
any better. I do not recommend it at all.