Donut County
Released: August 28, 2018
Game Length: 2 Hours
Grade: B
Expectations: This feels like the perfect little game to be added to a Humble Bundle. Ever since Kongregate cut away chat channels and new game badges, I was hoping to find a simple little puzzle game to scratch that game itch. I don't expect to play more than maybe a couple hours with around 10 stages.
Reality: There was actually more to this game than I anticipated. There is an actual story behind the 24 stages... alright, so it isn't exactly a "story" by my standards. I do like how each stage is properly staged according to the landscape. It was definitely mindless entertainment, perhaps too mindless. There is a few puzzle pieces once you earn the ability to "shoot" things, but otherwise you are merely moving your mouse around as things fall into a hole. There is a cute Trashopedia after each round that made me laugh, quite a few times actually. The slight issue I take up with this game is that it didn't leave an impact on me like I thought it would. I played, I finished, and I barely remember any of it. One fact remains - I had fun, and that is what counts.