Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Do Not Feed the Monkeys is one of those games that was thrown in with the Humble Bundle May Monthy Pack. Sure its $11.99 on Steam but I'm not even sure it's worth that much. Then again, maybe it just isn't my type of game.

What we have here is a solid game with an irritatingly high difficulty learning curve. The "pixelation" is fine. The concept of watching multiple screens at once is also fine. If it worked for Night Trap then it certainly can work here. The problem comes when trying to balance out your finances. You must spend around $50 for a new cage and $50 for food every day. You make around $12 an hour working. You can potentially earn $70 through answering surveys correctly but the landlady demands $90 every three days. There's also quite a few other variables to juggle around with that I'm not listing down here.

If balancing your checkbook wasn't hard enough, making sure you click on the appropriate yellow words at the right time of day will drive you crazy. After gaining a specific cage for the fourth time in a row without a clue of what to do with it, I decided to look it up online. Apparently at 13:50 (Day 2 only) or 17:45 he says the words "low cost" into the phone. Only then can you progress to the next stage of interacting with him. Only half of the cages have some form of interaction. The others just have some entertainment value only (like watching a tire landfill slowly burn).

There is one major caveat I must point out. The game contains a lot of crude humor. Some people will find this ultimately distasteful. For example, you may laugh or shake your head when you read "Psychic predicts his own death. Police warrant it a suicide." in a newspaper headline. Letting a gun maniac seek out his revenge, getting a woman drunk, or blackmailing a stalker for nude (as in uncensored) photos are all things you are allowed to do in the game. There really isn't anything else to find here other than the jokes. There seemed to be no visible connections between one game to the next. If things start to go south, you can always backtrack a number of days or simply start over with another set of randomized cages.

Summary: Clocking in at no more than a total of 10 hours, I found the game way too difficult. I had mixed reactions to the humor presented as the game continued to whittle away my patience with a ticking time bomb. I don't recommend the game at all.

