Cave Story

This is a game that a lot of people were talking about but didn't have a lot of reviews. Like many indie games, a guy spent 5 years on this little gem before releasing it in 2004. Wait, did I see that date right? Right, Right. It was released on the Wii in 2004. I don't think a lot of people realized this game even existed until it was re-released through Steam in 2011. Not counting the Cave Story 3D version released on Nintendo's 3DS, this was actually the first time I heard of Cave Story coming out with a remastered version. The new Cave Story+ adds holiday themes (glorified mod themes) and music (can be switched between old, remastered, and new).

My biggest fear was that the game wouldn't be enjoyable. Many games around that era were really difficult and unfair. Platforming could be stressful at times and many of the bosses were unbeatable on your first attempt. To be honest, I found the bosses were at the right level of difficulty where they could be defeated in under five attempts. There was just enough lore to make sense of current events while leaving out the fanatical side of how things came about. They don't tell you how there are beings that fly, beings got transformed, beings that look and feel human, and a giant floating island. Wait, I might have spoiled a couple things there.

Another thing you must be aware of is the multiple endings. I didn't realize a ton of things my first time through simply because I thought the game was strictly linear. There are actually a long chain of hidden events that saves lives, gives you different weapons to use, and a way to find the facts behind the mystery of the game. Sadly, I chose the path that made the most sense. The ending was satisfactory but not the way I wanted things to end. In all seriousness, I did not feel like playing the whole game again. It took me around 7 hours to complete the first time around. There just isn't enough there to merit a second time through.

Chalk this game up as a good, short experience. Play only if it interests you.
