Another Fallout 76 Rant
Fallout 76 is a game that has been shrouded with controversy
ever since the announcement of the game came out in May 30, 2018. Todd
Howard came out and explained all the details of Fallout 76 at E3 on
June 10, 2018 with its release date in November 14, 2018. Most of what I
stated back in my August 2018 Preview Rant still holds true. And it
still has problems! Since the list of things has grown greater than what
my feeble mind can handle I'm going to list everything that has been
wrong down below. Although this list is strictly personal, you can
coincidentally find similar lists online. Or you could also spend all day looking over Youtubers like JuiceHead or YongYea with anything Fallout 76 related.
- Announcement Jitters: Multiplayer-Only, Online-Only, Real-Time Only (No Pausing), No NPCs, Active Character (No Saved Games to Reload), Buy from, No Companions.
- Beta Problems: Whopping 50GB File Size, Bug deletes 50GB Files in Beta (Re-Downloads), game movements can be altered to increase speed, Oddly timed beta schedule for everyone, Pre-Orders get into beta before other people, default stuttering that was seen in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.
- Collector's Edition Duffel Bag Fiasco: cheap Nylon bag, Influencers receiving a much nicer Fallout 76 Duffel Bag for free, 500 in-game currency replacement apology ($5 value) that doesn't even cover the 700 atom cost of an in-game duffel bag, leaking personal information when people registered for replacements, 7-month wait for replacement bags.
- Merchandise Issues: Recall on Fallout 76 Helmet for Mold Issue (20,000 issued but only 32 were sold), terrible flavor of Nuka Dark Rum, Nuka Dark Rum costing $80, Nuka Dark Rum being made with a cheap plastic bottle with plastic cover, Jacket costing $276
- Game Issues: Multiple nukes crashes the server, Nukes didn't work for New Year's Day, First Patch Deletes People's Inventories and Progress, Exploits to duplicate items, Auto-bans for people making too many items in a given time, gaining access and potentially banned either by purpose or accident by being in the "dev room" with all items, Being banned for confirming exploits, Rescinding no-npcs with npcs in "Wastelanders" DLC patch (which will still be free), Un-Patch 11, Only game left on closing Walmart shelves, Australia forcing Bethesda to refund for broken game, Broken Halloween Event
- Fallout 1st Subscription Model: "Fallout 1st" issuing a subscription $13 a month or $100 a year, "private servers" are recycled public server instances, "Scrapbox" actually deleting people's items, Website "" is actually a disappointed fan's poor perspective on the plan