A Short Hike
Game Title: A Short Hike
Released: July 30, 2019
Game Length: 2 Hours
Grade: A
Expectations: People were always quick to point out this one game whenever a bundle came out with it attached. The previews of the game definitely makes the $8 price tag feel a bit steep. Probably the reason why this game gets thrown around in so many indie packages. Even the Epic Store offered the game for free during the week of March 12, 2020. Since the game got recommended so many times and it will only cost me a few hours, I figured it might be a fine time to try it out. If anything, it just has to be better than playing through Firewatch again.
Reality: This game is adorable! I had no idea I was going to enjoy it so much. The number one thing I had to do when starting the game was change the pixel size from "big and crunchy" to "minimum" and watch the game instantly become a hundred times better. I understand some people would prefer the pixelated style, but I personally found it pretty degrading. The game takes a simple concept of reaching the top of the mountain and promotes active exploration through the people on the island, finding objects laying around, and interacting with things that may help with your endeavors. The game doesn't tell you what is the "right" way to play and provides optional content to daring adventurers. There isn't a way to die and the game auto-saves if anything was to go wrong with your playthrough. The one drawback I found is that flowers don't remain bloomed after restarting the game. There is no map. Instead, the game promotes healthy markers to remind you where you are along the trail.
Mini-games: Before you realize it, the number of items you collect will grow past the screen. I believe I counted over 20 unique objects you can gather. You can try and finish up your fishing journal by catching all the fish in the sea. One individual will play an interesting game of Beach Stick Ball with you. Maybe you will figure out what to do with all those sea shells or find out if the artist finally found his inspiration. Perhaps you can beat someone in a friendly race or figure out why someone is hiding behind those trees. I personally wanted to be the richest kid on the block by collecting every treasure chest I could find. And if that wasn't enough, the developer added the coolest feature to get around the island.
Features: If you do decide on taking on the game's main objective, you will be needing a few things beforehand. In order to reach the top, you will be needing to build up your stamina. There are several ways to collect these golden feathers that will allow you additional hops mid-air or the chance to climb a little bit longer. The rarer silver feathers will modify your overall stamina. Holding down the 'A' button will let you glide and 'Y' brings up the menu. Hopping or pressing 'LB' removes your currently equipped item while pressing 'B' brings back the last item you were carrying and pressing 'B' again will use the item. I never felt like the game hid any of these features from me since all the animals you meet help explain things each step of the way. I probably spent about 4 hours seeing everything it had to offer. I most definitely recommend this game for everyone to try out.