A Hat In Time
There was a game that came out awhile back called A Hat In Time, October 5th 2017 to be exact, and I figured I would wait around for a sale or for a DLC (came out back in September 2018) once all the bugs were hammered out. To my surprise, it was actually from Kickstarter Project back in... 2014? And I'm just now finding out about it? Well the good news is that the game covers a wide range of platformers, has co-op mode, challenges, collector items, cosmetic outfits, and a variety of cast and crew. The bad news is the game is $30 (+$5 DLC) for 10 hours of content, maybe 15 if you search out the extras.
Don't get me wrong. The game is nice. I kept coming back. I kept laughing at the simple humor. Even the protagonist booping the screen made me suddenly shout out "Oh this is going to be a great game." The first world is huge! But the tone shifted and I suddenly felt like I was transported to some sort of psychological horror game... that is somehow still cute. And the sound effects got way too loud sometimes.
In the end I will have to say don't buy this game. You might consider it if it's marked down to $15 if you are a fan of the traditional Mario N64 style platforming. Otherwise I didn't find enough substance to play for more than a few days.